6 tips for visiting Isla Del Sol, Bolivia


If your trip to Bolivia is anything like ours, you’ll need a place to catch your breath and reset. Visiting Isla Del Sol is the perfect answer

Like most round-the-world trips, ours has not been a big yellow ball of shining happiness but rather a gradient of colours. At one end lie vivid and soaring reds: the Mount Yasurs and Salar de Uyunis of the trip. At the other end are greys and browns: the 32-hour bus journey from Guayaquil to Lima, the insurance claim for ruined electronics. And in the middle are large swathes of greens and blues: the days that aren’t breathtaking or life affirming, but pleasant and fun nonetheless.

Our visit to Isla Del Sol in Bolivia was (if I can stress the metaphor) firmly in the green-blue: not unmissable but certainly worth a visit. This mythical birthplace of the Sun God lies on the Bolivian side of Lake Titicaca and is home to a collection of 80 ruins and a small population of 800 families. It provides a calm we found to be rare in mainland South America and despite the odd hiccup, we left refreshed and ready once again for Bolivia’s many vagaries. Here are our tips to help you do the same.

1. Be aware of the north/south divide

It’s likely that your hostel will be located in either Yumani to the south or Challapampa to the north. Make sure your ticket for the boat transfer includes a stop at the correct end of the island. We booked a hostel in the south and very nearly bought a ticket valid only for the north. There are no vehicles on the island so it would have been very tricky to get across.

Additionally, be very clear with the crew where you need to go and be proactive about checking where you’ve stopped. Our boat docked in Yumani for mere seconds and pulled away with no announcements. We had to rush outside to check our location and have the boat turn around and return to shore.

Autor: Kia
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